Welcome to the murky depths of SWAMP, brave adventurer!
Here, you will find a haven for all who seek adventure, camaraderie, and endless hours of boardgaming and roleplaying fun.
Join us in our quest to conquer the treacherous swamps of the tabletop world, battle mighty foes, and emerge victorious.
Whether you're a seasoned adventurer or a curious newcomer, we welcome all who share our passion for tabletop gaming.
So gather your party, roll the dice, and immerse yourself in the thrilling world of SWAMP.
Adventure awaits!
Interested in joining? Check out our socials below.
No need to register for anything, just join one of our announced events!
We usually have a game night every monday throughout the academic year.
The main way to stay informed is to join our discord and look at the announcements channel.
Also check out our statutes and baptism charter.
Still have questions? Feel free to ask questions on the discord or send us a mail!